Heartland Elementary
Code of Student Conduct
The Jordan District Board of Education recognizes that student discipline is essential to further the educational process and provide an environment conductive to learning. The board authorizes the Administration to take appropriate action to preserve order among students and staff and to protect school property. Acts of violence, use or possession of a weapon or facsimile, criminal behavior, and gang activity in or about District schools, property, or activities shall be dealt with in accordance with district policy and the law.
At Heartland Elementary School, students put the “heart” in Heartland and teachers lead with their hearts. We are a community that cares for one another deeply and we want to illustrate that in all we do. Because of our commitment to caring, we follow the Three C’s inside and outside of the school.
The Three Cs
Care for Self
Care for Others
Care for Community
All faculty and staff will teach and reinforce what the Three Cs look and sound like in all areas within our Heartland Community. As our aim is to reinforce positive behavior as often as possible, we will recognize students who exemplify caring for self, others, and community both in and out of the classroom. This reinforcement is used to recognize positive behavior in the school and further develop students’ character in an academic and behavioral setting.
Reinforcing the Three Cs
School-wide | From the Principal | Within the Classroom |
Howlers: Our school-wide economy used to buy small prizes. Students may also save Howlers and enter a drawing for larger prizes.
Student of the Month: Each month, one student per class is recognized in their classroom by the principal. This honor is for students who have demonstrated significant academic proficiency or growth. Students will receive a certificate and Heartland “swag”. |
Golden Howlers: Administration awards these special awards to classes who are collectively demonstrating the Three Cs. When a class has 5 Golden Howlers, that class gets a special class prize.
Principal’s 100 Club: Every Friday, one student per classroom is recognized for demonstrating the Heartland Skill of the Month. Students will receive a prize,and a bingo ticket for the Principal’s 100 Board. Once BINGO is earned, all students in the row receive a special reward. |
Please refer to each teacher’s disclosure statement for classroom-specific codes of conduct.
Teachers are expected to have classroom rules that are consistent with school–wide expectations, positive, and measurable. Teachers will use a minimum of 5:1 positives to negative for interactions in the classroom with students. Teachers will use Educators Handbook and/or other official channels for communicating needs with students. |
Heartland students learn both academics and behavior, and we recognize that requires quality teaching in both areas. Sometimes students make mistakes or need more learning opportunities. We see consequences as opportunities to reteach. When a student is not following The Three Cs, we follow a hierarchical structure. The following outlines how we address behavior issues at Heartland:
Minor Infractions | Stop and Go Infractions | Major Infractions/Office Referrals |
not following directions
disruptions cell phone violation throwing snow not returning to class refusal to work being disrespectful unintentionally hurting someone not keeping your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself using inappropriate or hurtful language chewing gum |
throwing objects
roughhousing inappropriate touching verbal aggression swearing/inappropriate gestures cheating stealing destruction of property demonstrating chronic misbehavior |
bringing weapons to class/using items as weapons
bringing/using illegal substances sexual or racial harassment vandalism/destruction of property that may be law-related serious verbal or physical threat, bullying (emotional, verbal, physical, cyber assault/physical fighting leaving campus/refusing to come inside excessive misbehaviors |
These will be taken care of in the classroom by the teacher and will involve a verbal warning/redirection. The teacher will restate the expectation/rule and explain how the behavior did not meet expectations. In some cases, the student may lose some time from a preferred activity and/or fill out a Think Sheet in their own classroom. | These types of infractions may necessitate more interventions. The teacher will take care of these infractions and will consist of the student completing a Think Sheet in another classroom as well as another consequence which may include loss of a privilege, structured recess, etc. | Major infractions will be addressed by the principal and/or assistant principal. Consequences include loss of privileges, restitution, phone calls home, conferences with families, in-school or out of school suspension. |